Look Good, Feel Good, Run Good

This may sound  a little bit silly but I’ve found if I am wearing one of my favorite outfits or my hair is on point I tend to run a little bit better. Now, I know this probably isn’t “scientifically proven” or anything but I have found it to be true.

The saying “If you look good, then you feel good” I feel correlates to running just about right. I’m not saying to look like a model and have your face caked up because odds are it will probably just make your face breakout but having your hair in a cute upright ponytail and a cute little running outfit never hurt anyone. (My weird little thing is to watch my ponytail sway back and forth and back and forth to make the time pass.. weird? I know…So a tight high ponytail does the trick)

Treat yourself to some new outfits and remember to Look good, Feel good, and most of all run good!

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